How to Help Your Child Handle Preschool Jitters

August 2, 2023

Starting preschool is a significant milestone in a child’s life. It’s a time filled with new experiences, environments, and people, and it’s only natural that it might lead to some anxiety or what we often call ‘preschool jitters.’ As parents, it’s crucial to understand and address these feelings to ensure a smooth transition for your little ones. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips to help your child overcome any preschool jitters they may be experiencing. With a bit of preparation, you can turn their anxiety into excitement for the adventure that awaits.

Understanding the ‘Preschool Jitters’:

First, it’s important to recognize that feeling nervous about starting preschool is normal for children. Even adults often feel anxious when facing new situations, and starting preschool is a significant change for a child. It involves meeting new people, being in a new environment, and following a new routine. Thus, the key is not to eliminate these feelings but to acknowledge them and help your child learn to manage them.

Tips to Help Your Child Handle Preschool Jitters:

Start a Dialogue: Speak to your child about their feelings. Encourage them to express their fears and anxieties and reassure them that feeling nervous is okay. Use positive language to describe preschool and explain that it will be a place to make new friends, play, and learn exciting things.

Familiarize Them with the New Environment: Visit the preschool with your child before the first day. Show them around the premises, let them see their classroom, meet their teacher, and get accustomed to the environment. The less unfamiliar the surroundings, the more comfortable your child will feel.

Establish a Routine: Kids thrive on routine. Gradually adjust your child’s schedule to match the preschool’s days and hours. This can include wake-up time, mealtimes, and nap times. A familiar routine can reduce stress and make the transition easier.

Read Books About Starting School: Many children’s books tackle the subject of starting school. Reading such stories together can help your child understand their feelings and learn from the characters’ experiences.

Role-Play the Preschool Day: Engage in pretend play with your child to enact a typical preschool day. This could include saying goodbye, participating in classroom activities, eating lunch, and playing on the playground. Role-playing can help your child know what to expect and feel more prepared.

Provide Reassurance: Leaving a familiar environment can be scary. Ensure your child that you will be there at the end of the school day to pick them up. Some children also find comfort in taking a small familiar item from home, such as a family photo.

Starting preschool is a significant step for every child and each one handles this transition in their own unique way. The time it takes to adjust can vary, but with patience, understanding, and reassurance, you can turn their initial anxiety into excitement for this new adventure. At Les Enfants, our commitment goes beyond simply addressing these ‘preschool jitters.’ We strive to provide a nurturing, supportive environment that encourages growth, curiosity, and a love for learning. Our dedicated staff and carefully designed curriculum ensure that each day is a stepping stone to the wonderful world of knowledge and exploration.