Are You Doing These 4 Things at Home to Teach Your Preschooler Responsibility?

September 29, 2020

Our New Jersey preschool teachers think it’s important to start teaching children responsibility at an early age.

The 4 Ways You Should Teach Responsibility as a Parent

It’s imperative that you do the following 4 things to teach your preschooler responsibility at home:

  • Work together. It’s always important to be the best role model you can be for your children, and chores are no exception to that. If you complain and are grumpy when it’s time to wash the dishes, clean the table or do laundry, your preschooler will associate doing chores with drudgery and be more likely to put up a fuss when you ask them to help out.
  • Make sure chores are appropriate for their age and development. Simple, age-appropriate tasks are best for teaching your preschooler to be responsible and do their part at home. Some examples of things they could do include setting the dinner table, putting their shoes away when they come inside or feeding the family pet. Start out small, and when you see that your preschooler is consistently handling the minor tasks you give them, you may consider gradually delegating bigger responsibilities.
  • Encourage honesty. Teach your preschooler right away that a large part of being responsible is always telling the truth. They should be able to tell you anything without you losing your cool or judging them. A large part of encouraging honesty is listening to what they have to say and letting them know you love and support them unconditionally.
  • Let them solve problems on their own. If your preschooler is having trouble figuring out how to do something, let them try and figure it out on their own. You may give them minor hints to help guide them through the situation, but you should avoid solving the problem for them. This teaches accountability, which is a major component of being responsible.

The teachers at Les Enfants teach responsibility in the classroom at a pace that is appropriate for each child. Contact us today at (201)-592-6695 or for more details!