Screen Time and Young Children: Finding the Right Balance

October 5, 2023

Digital devices have brought unprecedented convenience and entertainment options into our lives and our children’s lives. However, for parents of young children, navigating the intricacies of screen time can be challenging. Finding the right balance is crucial for the healthy development of your preschooler.

The Screen Time Dilemma

Too much screen time can impede young children’s development of necessary social, cognitive, and physical skills. On the other hand, appropriate and limited use of screens can be educational and provide much-needed downtime for both kids and parents.

Guidelines for Balanced Screen Time

Set Screen Time Limits

  • For children under 18 months, avoid screen time other than video chatting.
  • For children 18 to 24 months, introduce digital media slowly and ensure it is high-quality content.
  • For children 2 to 5 years, limit non-educational screen time to about 1 hour per weekday and 3 hours on the weekends.

1. Choose Quality Content:

  • Opt for educational apps and shows designed for children. These should engage your child without violence, stereotyping, or inappropriate content.
  • Platforms like PBS Kids, ABCmouse, and others offer valuable learning resources, often for free or a minimal subscription fee.

2. Co-View and Co-Play:

  • Engage with your child during screen time. Discuss what they are watching or playing, ask questions, and encourage them to share their thoughts.
  • This shared experience enhances the educational value and fosters connection and understanding between you and your child.

3. Establish Screen-Free Zones and Times:

  • Keep mealtimes, playtimes, and bedtimes screen-free. Designate specific areas in the home, like bedrooms and the dining room, as screen-free zones.

4. Be a Role Model:

  • Children mimic adult behavior. Practice healthy digital habits yourself, and your child will likely follow suit.

Selecting Appropriate Digital Content

Educational Apps:

  • Choose applications that are interactive, age-appropriate, and aligned with your child’s learning goals.
  • Read reviews and test the apps yourself before introducing them to your child.


  • Interactive e-books can be engaging, but ensure they don’t overload the child with too many distractions from the text.

Video Content:

  • Opt for shows that are short, engaging, and designed for a young audience. Educational content should be prioritized.


  • Select games that promote problem-solving and critical thinking without being overly complex or stimulating.

Final Thoughts

Moderation is key when it comes to screen time for young children. With the right balance and quality content, digital devices can be a valuable tool for entertainment and education for your preschooler. At Les Enfants, we understand the importance of integrating technology responsibly and support parents in fostering healthy screen habits for their children. Always stay involved and make screen time a shared, enjoyable experience! Let’s work together to harness the positive power of screens while minimizing any potential downsides, preparing our kids for a balanced and informed digital future.