Parents, Here Are the Best Games to Play with Your Preschooler

September 21, 2020

Preschool children and their parents can bond over these fun and creative games recommended by our teachers.

Games We Recommend

Go beyond the usual Candy Land and Hi Ho! Cherry-O with the following picks:

  • Memory Game. For this game, print out 8 pictures of animals, two copies of each. Have your preschooler look away while you mix up the cards and turn them over. Then, have them turn over two cards at a time to see if they get a match. If there is not a match, turn the cards back over. If there is a match, put the cards to the side. Continue this until all cards are matched. Recommended by Teresa M. Signorelli, this game stimulates preschoolers’ cognitive development and problem-solving skills.
  • Treasure Hunt. This game will get your preschooler moving and is guaranteed to be a thrill! Hide a prize, such as their favorite toy or snack, somewhere in your home, and then write out clues that lead up to that prize. Each clue should lead to the next location until your child eventually reaches the prize. They may need your help reading the clues, and maybe a little nudge to get them moving in the right direction, but this is a great activity that stands out from typical board and card games.
  • DIY Car Maze. Your preschooler can drive a toy car or walk their action figures along a maze created with colored masking tape. This gets them to exercise and helps them find patterns, which is great for their overall development.

The staff here at Les Enfants is fully trained in the Creative Curriculum, which emphasizes learning through play. Contact us today at (201)-592-6695 or to learn more and enroll!