How Can Parents Help Their Preschoolers Adjust to the New Normal?
September 14, 2020
Our preschool teachers can relate to the struggles many of our students face as we begin this very unique school year.
What Can Parents Do to Help at This Time?
Preschoolers are naturally inquisitive human beings, and the situation we are in could lead to seemingly endless questions and concerns that parents may struggle to address. Here are a few effective ways we’ve discovered to help your preschooler understand these unprecedented circumstances.
• Explain the reasons for the new rules students will have to follow. Policies vary by school and location, but as a general rule, staff will be enforcing frequent hand washing, social distancing in the classroom and playground, and possibly the use of masks or face coverings for children. For carefree preschoolers, these rules might seem like a hassle to follow. Explain the reasons for the rules and their temporary nature by saying something along the lines of, “We need to follow these rules at school to make sure you and your friends stay safe. The more we follow the rules now, the sooner we’ll be able to fully get back to normal.”
• Keep their routine at home the same. Preschoolers thrive on structure and routine. While you should not ignore the fact that there is an ongoing pandemic, it’s important to keep your child’s routine at home (such as dinnertime, playtime and bedtime) the same in order to give them a sense of security while their routine outside the home is temporarily altered.
• Focus on the positives. Entering or returning to preschool will largely be a positive experience for your child. They can still make friends, safely play with them and will still learn all the things they would otherwise. If you dwell too much on the negative effects of the pandemic, your preschoolers will go into their first day anticipating a bad experience.
At Les Enfants, we are all in the same boat as we welcome our new and returning students for this unprecedented school year. Don’t hesitate to contact us at (201)-592-6695 or for questions and concerns regarding your preschooler’s adjustment and progress!